Care & conduct policies at Karme Choling Meditation Retreat Center, Vermont

Care & Conduct Policies

Karmê Chöling maintains and updates a comprehensive set of policies that apply to all retreat participants, teachers, residents, staff, volunteers and visitors.

These Include:

  • A Karmê Chöling Code of Conduct, recently revised, for in-house staff/residents, volunteers, guest staff, Meditation Instructor’s (MI) and visiting teachers.
  • A participant Code of Conduct signed by program participants at registration.
  • Specialized Participant, Parent, Teacher, and Staff Codes for Youth and Family Programs.

In Addition We Also Offer:

  • A thorough safety, care and conduct orientation at the beginning of each program.
  • Complete background checks on all new hires.

Questions? Please reach out to our Human Resources Director.

Policies at KCL

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